Two Trains Runnin’ – VIFF

What a fantastic, innovative film. Combine the US Civil Rights Movement, the Freedom Summer of 1964, with a bit of Blues music and, voila! Two Trains Runnin’

It was great having Benjamin Hedin, Producer and Writer, on hand after the show for Q&A. He was very well spoken and well versed on the topics at hand. Benjamin joked that the manuscript for the movie came from a prologue to a book that he wanted to write . . . a book that never quite got written. Great for us that this came out from under his bed to make a great movie. He explained that his initial research into the Civil Rights Movement gave way to a different direction, which eventually became the book that he did write: In Search of the Movement: The Struggle for Civil Rights Then and Now.

Sam Pollard has a great reputation as a well-respected director, and this film is certainly proof of why. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Check the website for future screenings. It may be a film about history, but the implications and challenges still face us today.