As a Christian and as a person who cares about the less fortunate, I truly enjoy doing mission work, both locally and abroad.
Locally: Mission work can happen right here at home, by giving time and energy to those who cannot do for themselves. At any given time, I am involved in local projects and individuals on a volunteer basis.
Abroad: Mission work can also happen abroad, which I have been fortunate enough to do in Bucharest, Romania as well as Liberia, Africa.
For two years in a row I served the people of Romania — a country still recovering from the traumatic dictatorship of almost twenty years ago. I offered counselling to the residents, training to the health care workers, and gave seminars.
Please read the following articles for more specifics:
Healing With Words
As we are all aware, Africa is a war-torn continent with many needs. A caring local doctor, Dr. Lourens Perold, heads up a team of volunteers each year to provide medical care to an area in Africa.
I had the privilege of joining Dr. Perold and others in March of 2010. A caring team of doctors, nurses and various volunteers came together to provide care in a community near Paynesville, Liberia. During their stay over 1800 people were able to receive free medical care! For specific information on this area, visit www.tlpministries.org.
When Dr. Perold was asked why he does this each year, he responded: “The reason I’m there is quite simple: A grateful heart pushes me to follow in the footsteps of Jesus – trying to do my bit in Africa where there is a whole pile of brokenness, and Liberia is one big chunk in that pile. Lord make me an instrument of your peace – where there is sadness let me sow joy!”
Magazine Publications
2023 The Homemade Dishes That Make Us Think Of Our Mothers, Globe and Mail
2023 Grief, Blackbear Review
2023 That’s a Sure Sign of Fall, Blackbear Review
2023 Interview with Raphael Akiba (Podcast), Blackbear Review
2018 Helping Seniors Navigate Dating, Relationships, and Intimacy, Insights Magazine
2017 Whensday Ski Dates, ProView BC Magazine
2013 on Mind Your Madness, Medium.com
2016 Exercising Your Way to Less Stress and Depression, Insights Magazine
2013 Wednesday Date Day at Cypress, Insights Magazine
2016 White Rock Business Improvement Association, Board Member for the 2016 – 2018 term
2010 Liberia, Africa, Medical missions team that provided free medical care to over 1800 people
2006 & 2007 Bucharest, Romania, Provided free counselling services to individuals, as well as seminars and training to employees of humanitarian organizations two years in a row.
2004 – 2008 Surrey Crisis Pregnancy Centre, Board Member
1992 White Rock Hospice, Reception and completion of volunteer training program